Archive | October 24, 2010

An Introduction to The Boys

Unlike the previous two posts, The Boys do not have an overarching tag, rather they fit into the reduced category of being the male cast members of this blog.  They are pretty easily defined by their differentiated characteristics, but I will introduce them anyway.

The Boys of the Blog

Painting copyright to Paul Richmond

Keith:  Keith is one of the people I would consider to be one of my closest friends.  He and I met freshman year of high school, through Addy actually, and we have known each other for eight years now.  I haven’t really yet talked about Keith a lot on this blog, but hopefully that will change soon.  Maybe I need to go even more retro with some of my stories.  Keith is currently earning money for school, the same way I am.  He’s a hard-working guy, to be sure.  He wants to go back and get a Masters in Business within the next year or so.  And he’s always a great football companion.

Letters to Keith30 letters, 30 days-a portion of this letter is written to Keith.

You can find all other posts mentioning Keith here.


Brody:  Aside from yours truly, Brody is the most mentioned cast member on this blog.  I think it just comes from seeing Brody the most, probably.  Or at least, seeing Brody the most in conjunction with the days where I don’t have anything to talk about except for the mundane things that have been going on in my life.  Brody and I haven’t known each other very long, actually.  It’s only been about five months.  We met at our mutual friend Anthony’s graduation party.  After that, we had the same summer job, more or less.  He has plans for becoming a high school teacher and is a lot more on top of it than me.  But, he also graduated the May before last, so I’m giving myself a break in comparison.

Most mentions of Brody are either passing notations or small stories engulfed by larger parts of posts, but you can still find all posts mentioning Brody here.


Shawn:  Shawn and I have known each other off and on throughout my time at our alma mater because he is good friends with Erika.  But we actually really got to know each other because she was in town for my graduation–well, not specifically for me, but I was a lot of her reason for coming and it was when I graduated, so I’m calling it “my” graduation (also it’s my blog, so things tend to revolve around me here, or at least, my perspective on things).  Shawn ended up going to Grad school in New York, as I mentioned previously, and he is currently interviewing for jobs he hopes to get when he graduates in May.

Shawn and the Bucket ListThe Start of the Bucket List-visiting Shawn in New York is something I might do as part of my travels.

Most mentions of Shawn are in passing or in relation to things upsetting me about other people, but you can still find all posts mentioning Shawn here.

Evan:  I met Evan my sophomore year of college during Greek Week.  We had a Songfest fueled epic-style romance until he moved back to California.  And then, because it was hard for him, things ended rather abruptly.  I do still think about Evan often, but only sometimes in passing and certainly not on a daily basis.  He just generally comes up when I decide to tell a story here because he is often a part of some of the most memorable (or short and amusing) stories I have to tell.  If nothing else, regardless of what happened or how it ended, being with Evan influenced a lot of my growing and comfort with myself while I was in college.  And I am really glad I had the opportunity to grow on my own because of that.  Evan is unique out of not only all the male cast members of this blog, but out of every single cast member, in that he has only been referenced through a recent happenstance once.  Otherwise, Evan is a man of the past, so to speak, and any mention towards him has only been made in the past tense.

Stories featuring Evan include:  The epic “Songfest Romance” three-part story.  This and other Evan-centric stories can be found here.


Stay tuned for tomorrow when I talk about me.  Finally?