An Introduction to the Fab Five

The Fab Five is unique in that they are four cast members who all share one tag, regardless of which member of the group is being mentioned.  To separate confusion, I am now going to introduce them individually.


Members of the Fab Five

Addy:  This is Addy.  I have known her since first or second grade, so pretty much all my life.  I’d say she’s one of the “founding members” of the fab five, but the members have never really changed, thus there isn’t necessarily a need for calling people founding members.  Addy went to college at the other local university, but we remained in touch.  She moved back to our hometown in May and is currently doing her student teaching.  She hopes to teach art education, but isn’t yet sure which grade level.  She seems to be leaning toward high school aged kids, though.  She is currently engaged.  As far as the Fab Five goes, she is one of the peace keepers, though less vocal than me.

Posts specifically about Addy:  “Some Thoughts About Weddings,” though Addy isn’t mentioned by name.


Amanda:  This is Amanda.  I have known her since fifth grade (also well over half my life), when she was finally in the same class as the other three and I.  This event is probably what ultimately started the group that is now the Fab Five as a separate entity from all our other elementary school friend groups.  While the rest of us were off at our colleges, Amanda remained here in our hometown.  Now that the rest of us are back, Amanda has moved up to live with her boyfriend while he attends the other local university.  She eventually wants to break into acting.  As far as the Fab Five goes, she is kind of the odd girl out, since she lives farther away from the rest of us and was never really a part of a duo within the group.

Posts specifically about Amanda:  “Apartments


Larissa:  This is Larissa.  Larissa was the first member of the Fab Five I ever met when we were in the same first grade class.  She was instrumental in my meeting all of the others.  Larissa also spent a great deal of her college career here in our hometown, but she went off and got her own apartment.  She is not yet sure what she wants to do for a college degree, but has completed EMT training and would love to get into that field.  As far as the Fab Five goes, she is one of the big opinion holders and an instigator of sorts.

Posts specifically about Larissa:  “Apartments” and “The Miscellaneous Post


Hailey:  This is Hailey.  I met her at the same time that I met Addy, and so she is also someone I have known for over half my life.  Hailey is the only member of the Fab Five to go to college out-of-state, where she subsequently met her now fiance (who is actually from our state as well).  She moved back to our hometown in July, while I was off at work.  She has been filling out applications for medical school and is currently going to interviews while she plans her wedding and looks for temporary work to save money.  As far as the Fab Five goes, she is the other big opinion holder and instigator of sorts.

Posts specifically about Hailey:  “Some Thoughts About Weddings,” though Hailey isn’t mentioned by name.  She is also mentioned sporadically while I keep promising to say why she is dramatic lately, but she seems to be calming down, thank goodness.


The last member of the Fab Five is, of course, me, but I will be talking about me later.

You can can find all other posts mentioning the Fab Five here.


Tomorrow, I will be talking about The Fam!  Stay tuned!

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