Archive | October 21, 2010

An Introduction to the Cast

Today was quite possibly one of the worst days ever.  I was supposed to have an interview today, but I got sick, like grossly sick.  It was really unfortunate.  I got my interview rescheduled, thank goodness.  But it wasn’t fun at all.  So I was trying to think of something to write and I decided that it’s hard hearing about a bunch of people and not having a face to go with the names, so I decided to introduce some of the major players in the blog.  I think that for the next few days I am going to make “Cast Page Bios” for everyone.  In the coming days you will meet the members of the Fab Five, the members of my Fam (or at least the ones that have singular tags), and the Boys.  This first post, though, will be about cast members that don’t fit into one of these categories.  So here goes!

Assorted Blog Cast Members

Steph:  After me, who, for all intents and purposes is the “main character” of this blog, the cast member mentioned most is probably Steph (actually, I have mentioned Brody more, but that’s beside the point).  As I’ve said before, Steph (or Stephanie) and I have known each other for eight years now.  We first met each other freshman year of high school at our mutual friend Kelsey’s pre-Homecoming party.  When I first started this blog, Steph was getting ready to move down to Arizona to be with her boyfriend, Cam.  Cam currently works in Arizona and has been there since June.  Steph finished up her job in the town where our alma mater is and without a job to do, she moved to be with him.  Meanwhile, she is waiting to hear back from our alma mater or a school down in Arizona for graduate school.  Her decision will rest largely with which university gives her more funding, though she is fairly certain it will be our alma mater.  She will hopefully be back in January.

Stories featuring Steph: “Eight Years Ago…” tells the story of how I originally met Steph.

Letters to Steph: 30 letters, 30 days-a portion of this letter is written to Steph.

Steph and the Bucket ListThe Start of the Bucket List-visiting Steph in Arizona is part of my goal to travel.

You can find all other posts mentioning Steph here.

Bree:  I haven’t mentioned Bree much in this blog yet, but she one of the people I have always considered to be one of my best friends.  Bree and I have known each other for eleven years now.  We met on the first day of sixth grade, so we stuck with each other through our most awkward middle school years.  As I have mentioned in this blog, Bree is currently a nursing school student who also works nights in a hospital for experience.  She is very hardworking and has a lot of focus on her career.  She has another couple of years to go on school before she can become a full-fledged nurse, though.  A hobby that Bree and I share is that every year, we go see a musical together.  So far, we have seen The Phantom of the Opera and Legally Blonde.  Bree is also currently living with her boyfriend, but a lot closer to the central locale of the blog.

Letters to Bree30 letters, 30 days-a portion of this letter is written to Bree.

You can find all other posts mentioning Bree here.

Assorted Blog Cast Members in my Sorority

Melissa:  Melissa is one of my sorority sisters whom I mention most, and I will likely be mentioning her more in the next few weeks as she is coming out to visit this weekend.  Actually, since I’m finishing this so late, she should be landing within the hour.  Melissa and I met my sophomore year of college when she joined my sorority as a freshman.  I actually let her Big hang out in my room during Big/Little revelation because she lived out at the time.  Melissa was always the sister I went out to fraternity parties with, though she never quite shared my enthusiasm for dressing in costumes.  Melissa and I also attended every football game together.  Melissa is currently attending law school in Texas, where she is unhappy about Texas football and Texas drivers.

Melissa and the Bucket ListThe Start of the Bucket List-visiting Melissa in Texas is part of my goal to travel.

You can find all other posts mentioning Melissa here.

Anna:  Anna is another of my sorority sisters, though I have yet to mention her very extensively.  Anna and I met my junior year of college when she joined my sorority as a freshman.  I didn’t get to know her very well until the summer after my junior year, and we were pretty much inseparable.  We had the best Fourth of July ever, pretty much.  I admire Anna for her ability to do everything with much more finesse than I, though her secret is lack of sleep and a coffee addiction.  She is extremely goofy, but in the best way possible.  She was my Omega Sis when I was graduating.  She still attends my alma mater.

You can find all posts mentioning Anna here.

Those are the cast members I can’t really categorize.  Tomorrow, I will be talking about the members of the Fab Five.  Stay tuned!