Archive | October 9, 2010

Another story for an out of town day

When I’m out of town and don’t have time to write, I seem to tell you all stories.  Here’s a short one about Del Taco:

My first day on the job had gone much shorter than I thought it would.  I simply filled out paperwork and I was free to go, rather than actually doing a little training like I thought I would.  So I decided to head up to our alma mater’s town and called Evan on the way there. I only got his message machine.  (It wasn’t my alma mater at that time, but it was Evan’s since this happened in June.)

I didn’t see him for two more hours.  I visited Steph in the meantime.  And when I did see him, he was a bit burnt.

“Deidree, I am so sorry about that.  I was getting Del Taco,” he told me.

“Where is there a Del Taco here?”

“There’s not…  The closest Del Taco is in Westminster.”  (There’s actually one by Flatirons, the mall I had just stated working at, but I didn’t know that at the time.  And there’s quite a few by my house down here, which excited Evan more than words, but that’s a story for another time.)

“You drove to Westminster?”

“Yeah, pretty much…  Anyway, when I got out of Del Taco, I saw a plane fly over my head, do a circle and land.  So I went to check it out.”

“Uh huh….”

“And that’s how I ended up at an air show in Westminster!”

Evan did stuff like this all the time, actually.