Archive | October 5, 2010

Tough Day

Yesterday, I had a tough day.  And I think, really, everything that’s tough about it reminds me of what’s bothering me about Hailey right now, or at least, some of the finer points in all that drama.  I know I haven’t talked about it yet, but this is what’s bugging me right now, so I’m sorry for continuing to change the topic.

So the main thing that bothers me about Hailey is her hypocrisy.  She likes to talk about how no one ever wants to see her.

What bothers me about this is that I have been trying to see her since my surgery (last appointment for it next Tuesday, by the way, yay).  And she has paid no mind to me.  In fact, I even saw Shawn, who went to Grad School in New York.  She lives five minutes away and I saw Shawn before I saw her?  I think that’s pretty ridiculous.

I guess, though, I feel the same as Hailey claims she does.  I don’t think anyone ever really wants to see me.  I mostly see Larissa and Brody…  And then my sorority sisters every now and then, but they’re a little farther of a drive than say Hailey or a few of my other friends.  One member of the Fab Five, Amanda, lives a few hours from all of us and I’ve seen her just as many times as I’ve seen Hailey, if you can believe that.

Anyway, lately I just feel like I’m in a funk…  People cancel our plans without word or are just ignoring me.  I guess it just feels…  Sad…

I just always feel like I put forth 100% of the effort to stay friends with everyone and get back maybe 30% of that effort.  Mostly, it’s just really exhausting.  Being friends with people shouldn’t be exhausting.

And I’d say that the best solution is to wait for my friends to come to me, but unfortunately, I don’t think “the chase” works with females.  So I don’t really know what to do.  I’m just feeling a little against the hypocrisy of Hailey right now.

Anyway, Steph suggested I take a bit of a break though, so I’m glad I’m keeping busy with work and Centennial is coming up this weekend, so that’s really fun.  I do wish I could see Steph, though.

Oh, I still need to update you all on the game, seeing Shawn and Keith, Centennial, work, and a bunch of other stuff.  Next time will definitely be more cheery.

I’m supposed to see everyone else in the Fab Five on Wednesday, so let’s see how that goes…  The plan is to go do trivia, but no one wants to get there until trivia starts.  So, we’ll probably end up missing trivia while we wait for a table.  Which is stupid if you’re going for trivia, you know?  Anyway, as the person who puts forth all the effort, I guess I’ll be the one attempting to call ahead and make sure we can get in for trivia.