Archive | October 2, 2010

My Halloween Costumes

So this is my second post about Halloween costumes; I’m just really excited.  Mainly because yesterday, I was able to find my dream angel costume for only $35!  As I said yesterday, my hesitation and over concern with Brody’s opinion came from the price.  But $35?  I’ll totally pay that!  So I bought it and it’s currently shipping, yay!

The thing about costumes is that I love dressing in them.  Any chance I have to wear a costume, I am totally down for it.  Last year, an ex-boyfriend even got me to dress like a metal chick because he said “I know how much you like dressing in costumes.”  Although, my final incarnation was a bit too pink for him.  Oh well, you can’t take the pink loving out of the equation, haha.

I can make a costume out of pretty much nothing, simply because I am awesome.  Need a toga?  I am the bed sheet folding extraordinaire and everyone will have their own unique toga.  I’m just that good.

Anyway, here are past costumes I’ve worn (mostly through college):

Cocktail Bunny(2006/2007):  There’s not really a lot of this costume left, but keep in mind that I purchased it in 2006 and then wore it both that year and the next, so it’s an old costume.  It’s a classic and always really popular.  I try to keep it in the rounds and I’ve also used the dress for other costumes, like a make shift flapper costume, haha.

Devil (2008):  This costume is also a bit hard to find these days, but I bought it two years ago and devils were a popular choice that season.  It’s nice because it’s part of the “Sexy” line while still sort of resembling clothing.  There has to be at least some attempt made at being warm here on Halloween, haha.  I also own the pitchfork riding crop which is the best.  Unfortunately, it’s a little weak (see: old), so I may buy a new one.  I generally tend to wear this on the Thursday before Halloween.

I also bought a pirate costume in 2008.  It was mostly for pirate theme parties, but it came in handy for Halloween events requiring more decorum.  I couldn’t find a picture of it, sadly, so, just know I have a pirate costume (like everyone else).

Mad Hatter (2009):  I was taking an Alice and Wonderland writing class around Halloween last year and got caught up in the hype of the movie, so sexy Mad Hatter.  It’s a pretty great costume, actually.

Sailor (2009):  Last year, I actually really wanted to be a sailor and couldn’t find a costume I really liked until a couple of weeks before Halloween.  So I got to be a sailor and a Mad Hatter, yay.  This is still one of my favorites and I’m definitely wearing it again this year.

So those are my most recent costume purchases.  It looks like this year I will be an angel and maybe a bumble bee.  You just gotta look out for the men in your life, you know?  haha  Halloween should be enjoyable for them too.  Tomorrow, more Halloween costumes!  You’ll see.

Also, later today is the Georgia game!  I’m so excited to go and see Keith!