Dear October First

Dear October First,

I am so excited that you are finally here!  I look forward to you all year, October.  You know why?  Halloween is in October.  And October, I love Halloween.  So, October First, it’s about time that you got here.  I know I said I was going to talk about Hailey today, but in honor of the first day of October, I’m going to post some Halloween costumes I tried on and really like.  I went with Larissa to look at them originally and I sent some photos to Brody, so now I’m just waiting to go back and look at everything again.

Bumble Bee:  This is the first costume I pulled out.  Brody really likes this one.  I don’t know if it’s his favorite or not, but he definitely likes it.

Marie Antoinette:   I really liked this costume last year and always wanted to try it on…  I would probably just do my hair in curls, though…   More a courtier than Marie Antoinette.  Anyway, this costume is less gold/more yellow and more felt than lace in person.

Southern Belle:  I like the idea of a Southern Belle, sweet, but sexy.  The hat is really awkward though, it’s just floppy material and doesn’t look hat-like at all in person.  While looking for the first costume online, I found the second one, which I like a lot more!  Unfortunately, I didn’t see it in the store, but maybe I’ll look for it the next time I go.

French Maid:  This costume is apparently only on sale at the store I tried costumes on at.  I don’t think it looks very good in my photo, but I think that may be the pose I’m in for a good camera photo.  I wanted to try on the second one, but they didn’t have it in my size, sadly.

Devil:  I do not really need another devil costume, as I already have one that I love, but I’d wanted to try on this costume since I was purchasing that one two years ago, so I indulged myself this time.  It is a really good-looking costume, but I don’t really need another devil costume.  I’ll definitely link to the costumes I already have in another post.

Cupid:  This costume looks really good once it’s on and Brody really liked it.  Unfortunately, I had to go up a size to get it on, but once it was on, it was a bit too big.  It definitely needs a couple zippers in the design, I think.  As a note, Brody didn’t like it nearly as much once he found out how hard it was to get off on.

Angel:  I decided at some point that I might like to be an angel this year.  I found this costume and pretty much fell in love with it.  Brody never said anything specific about it, so I really do need to go shopping with him, because I think seeing it in person would make him like it as much as I do.  The only thing stopping me from buying it is its cost.  Really, if it were about $20 cheaper, it would already be in my closet, Brody’s opinion regardless!  There were a couple other angel costumes I liked before I tried them on, but I think if I do end up going as an angel this year, this will definitely be the costume I buy.  But we’ll see.

Anyway, those are the costumes I’ve tried on recently (plus some alternates I prefer and found through online research).  I really need to figure out my costume dilemma this year, so I need as much help as I can get, haha.  Oh Brody, come Halloween shopping with me!

Also, I’m doing NaBloPoMo again this month, since I successfully posted every day of September, yay!  (Though only three or four times about art).  NaBloPoMo’s theme for October is “play.”  It should clearly be “Halloween.”  Oh well.

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