September fourth: September Twenty-Third

Today was my first day of work, so I’m a little tired to come up with something exciting to write…  Even a letter…  So sorry.

No football scores today, but next week is Georgia and I’m still trying to get tickets!  Oye….

What else….  I get to see Bree on Monday, so yay!

I have to be at work at 8 AM on Saturday for more training, gross.

And….  I’ve been trying to see Brody for a few days now and it’s getting annoying, haha.  Hopefully we’ll go Halloween costume shopping soon.  :)

And…  yup, that’s pretty much it…  Sorry September twenty-third is so boring.

Oh, actually, I have a short story to tell.  So right now the new members of my sorority are in the midst of their new member period, so here’s a story from when I was a new member:

As a gift for our Bigs, we are supposed to decorate paddles and give them to them on initiation.  My Big, Erika, already had three other Littles, so I had to make my paddle awesome.  I had bought a bunch of wood pieces, such as hearts and big double layer block letters.  I also had thirty different colors of paint.  My paddle was going to be awesome!

Kristin and I had bonded at our New Member sleepover, so on the day we received our paddles, we were both riding the bus back to our dorm.  This was back in the days when the bus was awful and sucked at timeliness.

But anyway, we were sitting on the bus when a guy started chatting with us.  “Are those paddles, ladies?”

“Yes…”  We both answered hesitantly.

“I was just wondering…  Who do you hit with them?”

Kristin and I stared blankly at him.  Then we turned to each other.  We were completely shocked.

“Like, do the older girls hit you with them?  Do you hit each other?”

“This isn’t Animal House,” I finally managed to stammer.

And yes, I know, there is no paddling in Animal House…

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