Archive | September 22, 2010

Melissa and Operation: Room Redecoration-Belongings

I’ve been talking to Melissa today and getting an update on her law school life.  When I scrounge up some money, I’m going to go visit her.  I’ve never been to Texas, so that will be a lot of fun.  Plus, then I can experience Texas drivers first hand…  Apparently, Melissa thinks they’re pretty bad.  She also was telling me about how my life provides her with amusement…  So, here’s an amusing story about Brody, I guess:

I was watching tv briefly the other day, and I saw an ad for the Robin Hood DVD.  I’ve been seeing Brody a long time, clearly, as that was one of our first dates (on its opening weekend, nonetheless).  I guess it’s not really that funny of a story, but it’s all I’ve got today as far as my life providing Melissa with amusement.

Anyway, as far as Operation: Room Redecoration goes, I’m currently lamenting how short my bed is.  At the house, my bed was raised a little and made for great under bed storage.  I don’t know what to do with my book bins and costume box.

Anyway, here’s some of the things I have to aid in the decoration of the room:

Pink Storage Bins:  I use these bins for all sorts of things: dishes, books, binders, whatever.  I don’t think I’ll necessarily need binders anymore and I have shelves for my books, so they may be a bit unnecessary now.  I do use one for my costumes and that’s pretty convenient (39 days!!!).

9 photo frame:  I have a couple of these.  I decorated them with puffy paint to really personalize them.  It’s a fun way to show off pictures.  I also have a couple of frames from the dollar section and some of the Target brand “college: room essentials” pink frames from a couple of years ago.

Pink curtains:  I have two of these and they’re tied back with pink ribbons.  They’re pretty adorable.  They really brighten up the white walls and disguise the ugly blinds that come with the apartment.

Pink Cubes:  I love these!  I like how see-through they are.  I keep my flats and sandals, purses, headbands, and sunglasses and brushes in them.  The see-through aspect is nice because I can pretty much find what I’m looking for with minimal digging.  Also, I have a special place in my heart for the Container Store.  When I say “special place” though, it’s more like a crazy obsession that I will only admit to a few people.  The thing about it, though, is that I’m fine when I’m nowhere near the store.  I don’t really think about it on a normal basis, unless I’m thinking about things I need, but then that requires a trip to the Container Store…  Which is where the obsession comes in…  Once I’m in the store, even if I have a specific mission, I need to walk down every aisle.  Do I need a dog treat dispenser for the dog I don’t have right now but will eventually get years down the road?  Nope.  Am I going to stop and look at it anyway?  You bet!  A trip to the Container Store is an excursion and can’t be completed in twenty minutes.

Pink totes:  I bought two of the smaller sized totes freshman year to cart them to the bathroom.  They actually work really well as storage in a bathroom too.  They keep my bathroom organized so well!

Bubblegum hangers:  You can get a 72-pack of these for just twenty dollars.  I don’t know who needs 72 bubblegum pink hangers, but I’m pretty sure I bought twenty of them?  They’re only 29 cents, so you can’t go wrong.  Their only downside is that they don’t hang tank tops, dresses, or silky shirts well because they don’t have the hooks on them.

File folders:  I have a tiny filing cabinet and these folders help keep me organized.  They’re beautiful and amazing.

Jewelry Organizer:  I love this.  It helps me find my jewelry so easily!  I also have a similar organizer for my belts.

Wine Glasses:  I like having colored glasses around as storage.  They’re pretty and you can drop frequently used jewelry or notes or whatever into them.  I know, most people collect shot glasses.  I like stemware.  And, hey, someday when I need a collection of stemware, I’ll have a really unique story to tell about my stemware collection.  I wish I’d gotten back those margarita glasses from Evan, actually.  And yeah, if anyone ever wants to give me stemware, I am not picky at all.  As long as it’s colored or patterned.  And all of it’s pretty much mismatched.  I even like my plastic stemware.

So, yup, those are some of my belongings.  I looked around the container store website a bit and I might have a few things to talk about in a later post.  Like I said, it’s a bit of an obsession.