Archive | September 21, 2010

Operation: Room Redecoration-The Plan

So, Steph has officially left for Arizona today.  It sucks…  Like having a gaping hole in your heart.  She was a bit nervous last night, so I gave her a pep talk:

“In any case, you know that no matter how far apart we are, we’re still best friends.  Your family will definitely keep in touch too.  And everyone else here feels the same, or at least to some extent and at least the people who really matter.  And Cam will be happy to see you.  Sometimes big changes come along in your life and it’s how you handle them that makes you who you are.  You’re scared now, but in the end, you’ll be fine and it all happens for a reason.”

In any case, today I’m starting Operation:  Room Redecoration.  First thing is, obviously, I still have some stuff in storage that I need to get into my room in the first place.  I mean, you just never know when you might need a masquerade mask or a shot glass necklace.  These things are hard.

I do have a funny story about my storage needs, actually.  After my surgery, when I finally saw Brody, he asked if I needed him to bring me anything.  Initially, I said no, unless there was a particular movie he wanted to watch.  Afterward, I joked that he could bring me a storage closet.  He came to my house and said he had a lock for my closet, but he left it at home and would give it to me later.  Forgetful, but sweet.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a storage closet, so I’ll need to figure something out.

Anyway, the first item on my agenda is to redecorate my walls.  I had a lot of more personal stuff on my walls in the house, but my room now has a bit of old decor.  So, I’ve gotten some hooks to hang my frames and paddles and I’m going to need to get some more tape to hang my house photos, my pictures, and postcards.

I’ve got my hydrogen peroxide ready and I’m set to clean my walls.

Also, I miss my pink desk chair.  I’m at a loss here for storage space.