Archive | September 20, 2010

September Fourth: September Twentieth

Alright, I can only write a short update post today because I have to leave for Orientation in a bit here, so I’ve only got so much time for my blogging today.

I had a bit of a late night with Brody last night and a really early morning running errands (think leaving Brody’s place around four, getting home at four thirty and waking up at six forty).  I hate early morning errands, haha.

What else…  I’m helping the Denver chapter with recruitment later this week.  And I also have a lot of work, actually, so I’m pretty excited.

Steph leaves tomorrow…  It’s nice she was here for a couple more days.

Oh, I heard from Keith last night.  I’ve actually been hearing from him a bit more lately, which is so nice.  And I might get to go to the Georgia game with him, so yay.

And…  Oh, tomorrow, I’m starting Operation:  Room Redecoration, so I’ll talk about that tomorrow.  I have a surgery follow-up tomorrow too, so it’s going to be a fun day….

Anyway, until tomorrow!  Oh, and on Saturday, the alma mater played Hawaii and we won 31-13, yay!  Also, Halloween is in 41 days, yay!