Archive | September 19, 2010

Eight Years Ago…

So, last night Steph and I hung out at Champs.  She’s leaving on Tuesday, so we’re spending our last couple of days together before she goes.  The great thing about Steph and I is that we can go from talking about our friends’ marriages to college football to our boys to our friends and anything in-between.

Steph is one of my nearest and dearest and has been for eight years now.  Last night was apparently the homecoming dance for our high school (it seems a bit early to me, but it’s not really something I keep up on these days).  But anyway, I think it seems a fitting time for Steph departure.

Because that’s when I met Steph eight years ago, our homecoming dance.  Well, sort of.  She and I were both at our friend Kelsey’s house before the dance.  There was a whole group of us girls eating Red Robin and giggling as we got ready for the dance.

The next Monday, however, was when I really got to know Steph.  We had a reading comprehension worksheet about railroads due in our honors history class, and I had finished part of it, but I forgot to do the end with homecoming and everything.  I recognized Steph from Kelsey’s house and chatted with her for a bit and also got her help in finishing it.

That was the start of how I became close to Steph.  And we’ve been really great friends ever since.  No matter what, even if we’re both really busy, Steph is always there for me in a pinch.

We’ve had our past weird moments with our penguin obsessions and our inside jokes.  We’ve had our arguments about our mutual fraquaintances (those are people you’re friends with in a large group, but they’re less your friends than they are friends of other people in the group).  And since going into college, we have sort of separated into our respective worlds.  But, we’re still similar…  And we’ve been together for eight years now.

I’m going to miss her a great deal.  But we’ll see where her life plan brings her–maybe it will be back to our lovely mountain state.

So, here’s a virtual toast to you, Steph.  Thank you for everything, always.