Archive | September 17, 2010

Deidree is a Working Girl…

I had my first part of training this morning.  I finish the next part tomorrow and my orientation is Monday night at a different location.  I also have a follow-up appointment for my surgery that day.

Anyway, today I posted on my Facebook account “Deidree Lyons is a working girl…  Cooking things in a microwave…  This is awesome!”

While I really do enjoy having a job, finally, and I am excited to be able to cook things in a microwave, I’ve been thinking a lot lately…  Because of recruitment, this blog has been about college and my memories a lot lately.  It’s weird…

I don’t know how to cook.  I don’t actually have a “real” working girl job, it’s more of a “saving up money for my certification” job.  But it’s weird to think that once you get used to something for so long, it can suddenly change on you and change  on you in a huge way.

I was in school since I was a three-year-old in pre-school.  I’ve been learning things in school classrooms since 1992.  Graduating high school in 2006 and going on to college wasn’t weird, it was more of the same, just in a different city and in a home other than my own.  I thrived and lived in college and it came to be more a home to me than the home I grew up in.  I went through formal recruitment in the spring of my freshman year and moved into the sorority house that fall.  I lived in the same room for the next three years.  I always had my friends around me whenever I wanted to see them or wanted to do things with them.  I had a set schedule to follow every day.  I had meals to eat and I only had to show up to eat them.

I have to learn to cook now and I have to get a job in order to pay for my future schooling.  I’m a working girl now.

All of my friends are going back to school…  And I’m a little jealous.

It’s just weird to see things change…  But then, I guess no one really likes change.  In any case, I’m doing my best and I know everything will work out soon enough.