Archive | September 6, 2010

Writing as Art

Happy Labor Day!  I’m currently writing this up during lunch before I go out and go shopping.  If you’re wondering about my to do list, I paid my dues today, yay.

A day or two ago, I started thinking back on a story I wrote a few years ago.  With that in mind, I pulled it up and just looked it over.  It took me two and a half years to write and is a bit under 150,000 words in fifty chapters.  I remember that back when I was still finishing it, I was also editing up chapters from the beginning.  So, I decided to pull it up and reread some of the chapters, particularly the ones that had crossed my mind.  The old edited chapters I read were pretty much fine, but the unedited ones left something to be desired…

What actually amazes me is that I started writing this story way back in September 2005.  I know that’s not that long ago, but I’m still impressed that it’s been five years since I started it.  Just looking back on it, it’s amazing how much time and effort went into writing it.  I haven’t written anything like that in years.

Reading it over, I decided that I might go back and finish editing it some more, just to get back into the whole writing thing in addition to this blog.  Plus, after thinking about it, and reading over it, I feel kind of guilty for never finishing editing it.

Near the end, I also thought about when I was finishing it up in the Spring of 2008.  So I think tomorrow I’ll tell a story from back during that time.  It doesn’t really have anything to do with this post, of course, but I think it’s a pretty good story.

Anyway, this is a short update, but it’s just what I was thinking about this weekend.  Also I’m starting the recruitment countdown.  Four days!  Thank goodness!