Archive | September 5, 2010

30 Letters, 30 Days

So I was feeling pretty bad about the cop-out post I gave yesterday, in which I only gave an update on September fourth.  Later on in the day, I was browsing through some blogs and found a challenge where you write thirty letters in thirty days.  Since I know that a daily update is fairly boring (especially when I don’t have football scores to update and I can only mention that the job search is still going), I thought it might be interesting to write some of these letters when I can’t think of any specific content.  This is two-fold: first, ta da!  Content!  Second:  Everyone can learn more about me, my life, and the people in it.  And since I have so many readers, I’m sure this is high on their priority list.  I won’t necessarily be following the whole write thirty letters in thirty consecutive days thing, since I don’t feel like I will be that low on content.  These are more filler days.  So the thirty days I can’t think of something, I’ll write a letter…  Unless there’s a football score, then you might get another “September fourth” type post.

If today were a September fourth type day, I would tell you I’m in the process of buying a suit…

As you can tell, today is a letter day.

Dear Keith, Steph, and Bree:

I don’t know if my phone is broken or what, but I wish you all would call me or write me back.  I could really use a best friend right now, and I don’t know where you all are.  Really, really I need one of you.

Now, here are my individual notes in this letter.

Keith, I’m so happy that you have a job.  It’s just not the job I was expecting for you.  I hope you get back on your feet soon and do all the amazing things I know you can do.  You’re a shining star and you need to start shining again.  Also, I miss you and I’m sorry I keep killing you in Oregon Trail–it’s not on purpose.

Steph, I can’t believe you’re all done with your GRE!  I’m anxiously awaiting the decision on the rest of your life plan.  I hope you solve your homelessness soon, though I suspect it’s proportionately related to the life plan.  I miss you and we need a girls’ night asap.

Bree, When are your finals done?  I can’t believe how far you’ve come in Nursing school!  You are always amazing and I am always impressed by you.  I miss you tons.

Sincerely, Deidree

And this has been the first of thirty letters.