Archive | September 2, 2010

Deidree the Arteest

As I said yesterday, this month’s theme on NaBloPoMo is “Art.”  So, I’m going to talk about my first major.  But first, here’s a daily update.  I had a follow-up appointment this morning for my surgery.  Apparently, I’m healing well.  I’m currently on “Dead and Gone” and I was able to get “Dead in the Family” at the library, so I won’t have to buy it to read it, yay.  I mean, of course I’ll be buying it when it comes out on paperback, but this surgery is giving me a lot of time to read, so I don’t really want to wait that long to read it if it’s out.  I have nothing against hardcover books, but all my other books in the series are paperback, so it would just stick out awkwardly compared to the others.  I’m currently on season five of Gilmore Girls and I just watched my favorite episode “You Jump, I Jump, Jack.”  Logan is my favorite Rory boyfriend, easily.  That’s pretty much what’s going on post-surgery.  I heard from Shawn too, so that was interesting.

Regardless, I started college in Fall 2006.  This was around the time when I had high hopes for my future career in art.  Clearly, that didn’t happen.  However, I actually made it through three semesters as an art major.  I took two foundations courses, a drawing course, and two art history courses.  The art history courses were great.  I’ve always found art history to be really interesting, plus you get to look at a bunch of pictures for all of lecture.  Really, it’s just pretty awesome in general.  The only downside was that the book was a beast.  The drawing class was alright too.  I got to keep art supplies in a tool box and I turned an iclicker brown with chalk.  My favorite was our art trip to the mountains.

But Foundations…  Foundations was hell.

I never really know quite how to explain it, but let’s pretend you decide to be an art major in college.  If you want to be an art major, you already know what you’re good at from having taken other art courses in your life.  By this point in time, you would be very certain of your art weaknesses.  However, Foundations decides that you need to do everything and be judged by your skill, no matter how long you worked on it or what kind of effort you put into it.  Oh, and it was easily six hours of class time a week, plus outside work, and only worth three credits for two semesters.  Ridiculous.  Also, every art history major had to take both semesters of Foundations and I know quite a few of them hated the art requirement.  I don’t blame them since I was an art major and I hated it.

During my third semester as an art major, I decided to switch my major to English, which has always resonated better with me.  So at the end of that journey, I went back to my books.  I also haven’t drawn much in forever.  Foundations just does that; it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.  My only regret is that I didn’t get a chance to take a photography course.

Anyway, there’s my short story of my time as an artist.