Archive | August 29, 2010

Help! I’m Post-Grad…

The appropriate title for this posting is the same as the blog, “Help!  I’m Post-Grad…”,  as this is currently how I feel about my life right now.  I graduated in May with a degree in English and I have no idea what I’m going to do in the near future, but not because of the degree.  I feel like since I only graduated in May, this isn’t so bad.  But I’m about to go stir crazy and have to start doing something soon…  The fact that I am currently recovering from surgery isn’t helping.  Hopefully I’ll be fully recovered soon.  I also just got back from my summer job, so I need to find a new job as soon as possible.  Partly for money, but mostly for my sanity.

In the meantime, I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls and reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels–I’m currently on From Dead to Worse.  I’m excited to be able to exercise soon and get back to my tennis as well as job searches, alumni events, and other hobbies.  I’m so used to being busy all the time.  I really can’t wait to get back to that again.   Eventually, I want to be an elementary school teacher, so getting my credentials is in the near future life plan.

In any case, this blog is a little on the short side, but I feel as though it’s a fair introduction to what this whole thing is about.  I actually decided to start this blog because my gay best friend told me to start writing something while I’m recovering to give me something to do.  He knows me so well…  So, on that note,  I think I want to talk about weddings tomorrow.  I promise it will be enjoyable.